Project Description

Gedeskaeg logo black design

About Gedeskaeg

Gedeskaeg is a specialist goat cheese created from the milk of healthy happy Payoyo goats that live amongst green fields in Grazalema, Southern Spain. The client wanted to create a brand that would appeal specifically to cheese aficionados in Denmark. Redline created a clever concept that was a play on words (in Danish).  The branding was carried through into the graphic design elements, including labels (in two colours) and B2B brochure (written in Danish).

Redline’s in-house specialist food photographer travelled to Grazalema to take professional photos of the goats in their natural habit, the cheesery and the finished product.  The images were featured in the B2B brochure.

Our Actions

  • Brand creation: name, concept, logo and brand manual.
  • Graphic design: B2B brochures, labels (for both semi and cured cheese)
  • Copywriting: Brochure written in Danish.
  • Professional photography on location

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