I was born in Western Siberia, but from an early age I traveled almost every summer to different international language camps. After this experience I decided for myself that I want to study and work abroad as well as explore the whole world. That decision led me to start my bachelor’s degree in International Communication Management in the Netherlands. To this day, I have the opportunity not only travel to different countries and learn about new cultures, but also to gain important work experience and improve my professional skills.
Siempre me han apasionado las Redes Sociales y Photoshop, por eso el hecho de trabajar con clientes es algo que encuentro interesante y emocionante. Mis prácticas en Redline Company me permitirán formar parte de un entorno empresarial dinámico, donde podré poner en práctica todos mis conocimientos y, sobre todo, podré aprender como funciona una agencia real y muchas cosas nuevas.