Agencia de Marketing Líder desde 2004, Costa del Sol

Redline online magazine Issue 4: Winter 2014

You may have heard that we celebrated our 10th anniversary this month… and the hoopla continues in this issue of the Redline online magazine, with plenty of photos and a video of our party at La Dolce Vita in Marbella.  Alongside the party hubbub, we discuss whether it’s worth buying ‘likes’ and take a look at […]

Redline 10th anniversary competition. Video no.5: The sweet taste of success

Are you feeling lucky? This is your last chance to enter the Redline Company’s 10th anniversary competition. Take a look at the fifth and final video and answer the question below to enter the prize draw and win selected marketing services chosen from our brochure. “What is the Redline that runs through each video?” Winners […]

Redline 10th anniversary competition. Video no.2: Take your best shot

The moment you have all been waiting for…Check out the second Redline Company competition video and tell us, “What is the Redline that runs through each video?” to be entered into our prize draw and win selected marketing services from Redline’s brochure. Entries must be received before the end of September 2014.  Good luck! Click […]

Redline 10th anniversary competition. Video no.1: Stay ahead of the herd

You may have heard the rumble from the jungle, its Redline’s 10th anniversary this year and we’d like you to help us celebrate. So we’re giving away a selection of gifts chosen from our marketing services to eight lucky winners of our new video competition. We’ve produced five short videos due to be released over […]

Social media: Are you doing it right?

Social media is one of the most cost effective and far reaching tools available to your business, so it’s important to get it right. Since Redline Company introduced Social Media Management packages and subsequently manage an increasing number of client campaigns we’ve noticed that there is a certain degree of confusion as to the purpose […]

Find out what MP Dunne has to say about Redline

Do you know that Redline has experience of working with a wide range of businesses including real estate? Having worked in the industry as individual marketers, we are ideally equipped to provide specialist marketing services to a number of property companies, both on the Costa del Sol and farther afield.  Our latest collaboration is with […]

One minute of video is worth one million words

At Redline we like to stay ahead of the curve sharing the latest marketing techniques and today video is definitely the star. Information garnered by a number of marketing agencies shows that videos are currently the most effective way to engage with customers. Of course good text is vital but there is no denying the […]

Redline online magazine spring 2014

It’s hard to believe that it is April already…which means it’s time for the spring issue of the Redline’s online magazine! Keeping on top of trends, we provide a short guide to Pinterest, the latest social media platform, explaining which type of companies should be using it. We also introduce our competition winner -Red Kodiak […]


    Cláusula informativa

    De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de la UE (RGPD) y en la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre, le informamos que los datos que nos facilite serán tratados por el titular Redline Solution SLU con CIF B92578020 se tratan con la finalidad de atender y responder las solicitudes de contacto, peticiones de información y/o consultas recibidas y/o para remitir prospección comercial o información sobre nuestros productos o servicios. La legitimación del tratamiento se basa en el consentimiento del interesado. No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal. Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación y supresión de los datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica en la información adicional. Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos clicando en la POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD o enviando un email a: [email protected].