Hay muchas maneras de transmitir información sobre tu empresa a los clientes potenciales en estos días, desde de los métodos más tradicionales como comunicados de prensa y boletines informativos hasta las redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter y Pinterest. Cuando Redline Company es tu departamento de marketing externo you have the power to decide exactly where you feel our efforts should be concentrated. We can obtain excellent results from merely boosting your press and social media profile but our expertise extends far beyond these tried and tested methods. Why not let your imagination take a stroll and allow us to use your hours to create a magazine to highlight your company’s products and services? Redline Company can provide expert graphic design, courtesy of nuestro equipo which has extensive experience of all areas of publishing, while our resident copywriter has been a features writer and journalist for more than 20 years. We can help you to create a lively, visually arresting and interesting publication, which includes all the information about your company that you wish to transmit to prospective clients, offering advice about how best to mix corporate copy which directly relates to your business with more general articles of interest to the casual reader who just might be your next customer! Brochures remain excellent vehicles for providing in-depth information to people who are already seriously considering buying your products or using your services, but for grabbing the attention of a new clientele a Una revista corporativa might be the answer. We can meet with you to discuss your ideas and vision for your publication, prepare a flatplan detailing the layout of articles and advertisements, then write and design the agreed articles. Redline Company can also help you with the practical aspect of production, from choosing the type of paper to negotiating rates with printers. These days it is important to remain ahead of the opposition so, with so many companies joining the rush to sign up for redes sociales sites and starting their own blogs, a magazine could be the marketing tool that gives your business the edge.
Redline celebra su 20 aniversario apoyando al refugio de animales sin ánimo de lucro Adana
What a night! On Thursday 7th November 2024, Redline hosted a birthday party (themed with a splash of red).