Line Lyster, founder and director of Redline Company and Gratitude Art, is a staunch supporter of Women in Business Spain. As a member of the board she dedicates a considerable amount of time and resources to helping spread the group’s message, so that business women on the Costa del Sol are kept informed of all activities. This over the last few months, Line’s team has designed and built a brand new WIBS’ website, free of charge, so that WIBS can present a modern, fresh and informative site to the world. What’s more, the way the website was designed, allows for easy editing, which means that the content can be updated instantly. Check it out on
Redline Company is a multi-lingual marketing and design agency based in Marbella, and the only company to provide a comprehensive external marketing service to businesses on the Costa del Sol, throughout Spain, the UK and Scandinavia. Tel: 952 816 678